We try to anticipate questions you might have about our services and provide the answers here.
Q: Will the Doctor schedule a talk at my workplace, church, or other group?
A: Absolutely! Just call our office at 914-357-1779 to schedule it for you based on the Doctor's availability.
Q: When am I given exercises to do?
A: You will be given specific postural exercises at your re-evaluations. These are given in sets of 2 so that you are not overwhelmed with too many things at once.
Q: Where did my adjustment protocol come from?
A:Your care plan is based on research of several thousand patients who have been through similar spinal corrective care using CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics) protocol. Each adjustment builds on the last, and there is a cumulative effect over time.
Q: How many adjustments can I miss during my corrective care program?
A: ZERO! Every adjustment builds on the last. Every single missed adjustment can set you back as much as a week in your care program.